
Date Subject
25/06/2013 Tenders awarded for two residential sites
24/06/2013 Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development holds 10th meeting (with photos)
20/06/2013 Creative Smart Parking - Cycle Parking Rack Design Competition concludes successfully (with photos)
20/06/2013 Public engagement on Kai Tak Fantasy competition commences
19/06/2013 LCQ20: Reporting Scheme for UBWs in NT village houses
19/06/2013 LCQ5: 2013-14 Land Sale Programme
19/06/2013 LCQ7: Nga Tsin Wai Village redevelopment project
19/06/2013 Secretary for Development's closing remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Building a safe city" (Chinese only)
19/06/2013 Secretary for Development's opening remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Building a safe city" (Chinese only)
14/06/2013 Tenders awarded for residential site and commercial site
12/06/2013 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
08/06/2013 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
07/06/2013 HK-Taipei inter-city forum concludes successfully (with photos)
06/06/2013 Government appoints new URA Board Chairman
06/06/2013 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
05/06/2013 Tenders awarded for two sites in Kai Tak under "Hong Kong Property for Hong Kong People" measure
04/06/2013 Secretary for Development to lead delegation to Taipei
01/06/2013 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
31/05/2013 Construction organisations and practitioners commended for outstanding safety performance (with photos)
31/05/2013 Demand notes for Government rent issued

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Press Releases of Secretary for Development