
Date Subject
24/03/2024 SDEV to attend Mainland and Hong Kong Construction Forum 2024 in Guangzhou
22/03/2024 Development Bureau imposes regulating actions on contractors involved in fatal industrial incident at Kwai Chung Hospital Phase 2 Redevelopment
21/03/2024 Treasures from Sacred Hill Exhibition reopens after renewal (with photos)
20/03/2024 LCQ18: Engaging consultants for public works projects
20/03/2024 Appointments to Steering Committee on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund announced
13/03/2024 LCQ7: Improving community facilities in Kowloon City District
08/03/2024 Government will launch tender of site for multi-storey buildings for modern industries in Yuen Long under two-envelope approach
03/03/2024 Transcript of remarks by SDEV at media session
29/02/2024 Government announces 2024-25 Land Sale Programme (with photo/video)
29/02/2024 Opening remarks by SDEV at press conference on 2024-25 Land Sale Programme (Chinese only)
28/02/2024 LCQ8: Planning of vacant school premises sites
22/02/2024 LC: Closing remarks by SDEV on motion on "Reviewing the works approval process and aligning construction standards, and leveraging innovative technologies to reduce construction costs and time" (Chinese only)
22/02/2024 LC: Opening remarks by SDEV on motion on "Reviewing the works approval process and aligning construction standards, and leveraging innovative technologies to reduce construction costs and time" (Chinese only)
21/02/2024 LCQ9: Redevelopment projects of Urban Renewal Authority
02/02/2024 Public Engagement Report and Environmental Impact Assessment Report for San Tin Technopole
01/02/2024 Appointments to Lantau Development Advisory Committee announced
31/01/2024 First two Dedicated Rehousing Estates projects in New Territories to be completed progressively for intake this year
31/01/2024 LCQ3: Raising the awareness of water resource protection
31/01/2024 LCQ8: Issue of cable trunking coating in public works projects
26/01/2024 Extending effective period of relaxation of waiver application for existing industrial buildings

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Press Releases of Secretary for Development