At its meeting today (October 28), the Land and Development Advisory Committee (LDAC) was briefed on "Hong Kong 2030+: Towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030" (Hong Kong 2030+) and a recommended mechanism to evaluate proposed pedestrian links outside Kowloon East, both led by the Development Bureau (DEVB). LDAC was also briefed on two projects led by the Energizing Kowloon East Office (EKEO).
Noting the key findings and recommendations of the Hong Kong 2030+, members generally supported the updated territorial development strategy to guide planning, land and infrastructure development and shape the built environment of Hong Kong beyond 2030, with a view to making Hong Kong a more liveable, competitive and sustainable Asia’s world city. Members also noted the importance of engaging the community widely about the strategic plan, which aims at sustainable development and embracing challenges arising from climate change and ageing society.
Members welcomed in principle the recommended mechanism to evaluate pedestrian links proposed by private developers outside Kowloon East which would help the Government consider whether the application warrant support of the premium waiver scheme aimed at facilitating the private sector to construct such links. Members agreed that to benefit from the premium waiver arrangement, a link should be supported by the neighbourhood and demonstrate that it would bring multi-faceted public benefits, such as providing a better alternative to existing undesirable at-grade walking conditions and strengthening the area-wide walking network. At the same time, members considered that the aim of the scheme to facilitate construction of such links by the private sector should be observed. Members made a number of observations and suggestions aiming at enhancing the evaluation of pedestrian links based on information collected from site visits as well as planning data currently maintained by the Government, noting that applications received by the Government would be assessed and presented to the Committee for comments.
Members were also briefed on the overall pedestrian and traffic environment improvement framework for the Kwun Tong Business Area (KTBA), which was currently undergoing Stage 3 Public Engagement, including the short, medium and long-term improvement proposals. Members generally supported the proposals and recognised that the proposed improvements would help sustain continued growth in KTBA.
Lastly, members were briefed on the progress of EKEO's work and the proposed extension of EKEO's operation for a further period of five years. Members noted that EKEO had continued to refine the Conceptual Master Plan to reflect the latest development needs of Kowloon East, and was implementing various improvement works and place-making projects, as well as carrying out studies and co-ordinating efforts in the relocation of government facilities to further release the development potential of underutilised sites. Members unanimously agreed with the need for continuing the various improvement proposals and development plans, ongoing studies and works projects. Members considered the modus operandi of EKEO to be exemplary and expressed strong support for the continuation of the Energizing Kowloon East initiative and appreciated that EKEO's continued operation would be crucial to strengthening the role of Kowloon East as the second core business district to sustain Hong Kong's economic development.
Ends/Friday, October 28, 2016
Issued at HKT 21:14