The Government today (October 21) announced that Mr Douglas Woo Chun-kuen, who was nominated by the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong (REDA), has been appointed as a non-official member of the Land and Development Advisory Committee (LDAC) to take over from Mr Gordon James Ongley as REDA’s representative on the LDAC. The term of Mr Woo’s appointment is from October 21, 2016 to June 30, 2018. Mr Ongley ceased to be a non-official member of the LDAC on July 14, 2016.
The LDAC is tasked to advise the Government, through the Secretary for Development, on policies and procedures in relation to planning, land and buildings matters; specific development proposals and projects initiated by non-governmental organisations or private sector proponents which carry broader economic or social merits; and policies, measures and specific development proposals conducive to Energizing Kowloon East.
The full membership of the Committee from October 21, 2016 is as follows:
Dr David Wong Yau-kar
Non-official members nominated by professional/trade organisations
Mr Allan Chan Sau-kit (Hong Kong Construction Association)
Professor Leslie Chen Hung-chi (Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects)
Ir Lau Chi-kin (Hong Kong Institution of Engineers)
Ms Serena Lau Sze-wan (Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors)
Mr Andy Leung Kit-man (Hong Kong Institute of Architects)
Dr Eunice Mak Hoi-cheung (Hong Kong Institute of Planners)
Dr Stanley Wong Kam-cheong (Hong Kong Institute of Real Estate Administrators)
Mr Douglas Woo Chun-kuen (Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong)
Other non-official members
Professor Chau Kwong-wing
Professor Cheung Sai-on
Professor Chong Tai-leung
Mr Chua Hoi-wai
Dr Lam Ching-choi
Mr Lau Chun-kong
Mr Leung Kong-yui
Mr Ma Kam-wah
Dr Derrick Pang Yat-bond
Mr Tsui Wai-hang
Ms Lisa Wong Kwok-ying, SC
Dr Anthony Yeung Chun-wai
Ex-officio members
Secretary for Development
Director of Buildings
Director of Lands
Director of Planning
Government Economist
Ends/Friday, October 21, 2016
Issued at HKT 11:00