Disciplinary action taken against two registered lift contractors
The Registered Lift Contractor Disciplinary Board (the Board), having completed its inquiries, is satisfied that ThyssenKrupp Elevator (HK) Ltd and Chun Ming Engineering Co., Ltd are guilty of negligence and misconduct.
The Board ordered the two companies to be fined $90,000 and $50,000 respectively and to pay $334,635 and $231,289 respectively for the costs incurred in the proceedings. The Board's decision and order were published in the Gazette today (August 5). (See Annex 1 and 2.)
In exercising his power under section 11G(1) of the Lifts and Escalators (Safety) Ordinance Cap. 327, the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services referred the alleged negligence and misconduct by the two registered lift contractors to the Board, which is appointed by the Secretary for Development. The members of the Board include registered professional engineers, authorised persons and registered persons as nominated by the professional institutions and the trade under the Ordinance.
There were two charges against ThyssenKrupp Elevator (HK) Ltd. The first charge arose from its conviction by the court on September 30, 2009, for contravention of the Ordinance while being the registered lift contractor engaged to carry out the lift works at Shin Nga House, Fu Shin Estate, Tai Po. The other charge consisted of four items, two of which involved failure to keep lifts and accessories in good working order, while the other two items involved failure to enter or to cause to be entered into the log book details or correct details of lift works carried out.
There were also two charges against Chun Ming Engineering Co., Ltd. The first charge was for failure to keep two lifts and accessories in good working order at Nan Fung Centre, Tsuen Wan, while the other charge was for failure to ensure that lift works were carried out by competent lift workers as required under the Ordinance.
A spokesman for the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) said, "The Government welcomes the decision of the Board. The EMSD will continue to enforce the Ordinance sternly, pursue publicity and education work and implement improvement actions with a view to enhancing lift and escalator safety."
Ends/Friday, August 5, 2011
Issued at HKT 13:02
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