KCRC's (Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation) tendering plan is only a proposal

In response to press enquiries concerning the Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation (KCRC)'s plan to invite tender for its property developments along the West Rail and the Ma On Shan (MOS) rail link next year, the Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau issues the following statement today (June 21):

"The Government notes that the KCRC made public its plan to invite tender for its property development programme along the West Rail and MOS rail link yesterday. The proposed plan is subject to agreement by the Government.

The proposal as announced by KCRC yesterday was to put up tender for one of its five property developments along the two rail links next year with the first batch of flats to be completed in 2008 the earliest.

It has always been the Government's objective to ensure that property developments by the railway corporations are carried out in an orderly manner without causing adverse impact on the property market."

Ends/Monday, June 21, 2004

