LCQ13: Private Treaty Grant Applications

Following is a question by the Hon Choy So-yuk and a written reply by the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands, Mr Michael Suen, in the Legislative Council today (December 4):


Will the Government inform this Council whether, up to the present, there are any groups or organizations which have applied to the Government for land by private treaty grant but have not yet been informed of the outcomes; if so, the number and names of these groups or organizations, the size and premium per square foot at the current market value of the land concerned, and the relevant land lease term proposed by them?


Madam President,

The Lands Department is currently processing 16 private treaty grant applications submitted by non-profit-making organizations. The total area of land involved is about 21 hectares. A breakdown is at Annex. These 16 applications are being processed and it is, therefore, not appropriate to divulge the applicants' names at this stage.

The applications are related to the provision of educational, religious, recreational/sports and institutional/community facilities. Land leases for such purposes are granted to non-profit-making bodies only. These leases are subject to stringent conditions, including specific uses and absolute prohibition against alienation. These leases, being confined to specific uses, therefore, have no market value.

Under current policy, the normal term of newly granted land leases for educational, religious and institutional/community facilities is 50 years. For recreational/sports facilities and private independent schools, the normal terms of new land leases are 21 years and 10 years respectively.

End/Wednesday, December 4, 2002

