Victoria Harbour Word Art Competition

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Do we need to prepare proposal in bilingual?
A1: Participants can prepare the proposals using either Chinese or English. Please refer to Part 6 of the Invitation Brief for details.

Q2: How can we submit the proposals?  What is the deadline of submission by email, in person or by post?
A2: We accept the submission of Proposals by email (email address:, hard copy in person or by post. The submission deadline will be on 4 September 2020 (Friday) in accordance with the time of receipt by email, before office closing (5pm) by hand and date of the post mark if by post. 

Q3: The invitation brief of "Victoria Harbour" Word Art Competition mentioned a dimension of 40 m (L) x 3 m (H). Can we change the dimensions to suit our design?
A3: The dimensions mentioned in the invitation brief refers to the space reserved in the promenade for the installation of the Artwork.  The size of the Artwork could vary to suit the design and taking into account the site condition.

Q4: Can you provide any site photos/renderings of the East Coast Park Precinct under construction?
A4: To facilitate the preparation of Proposals, more reference materials and videos for the East Coast Park Precinct have been uploaded to the competition websites.