Senior Architect of the ArchSD, Mr TSANG Wai-lun (left), says that the department has adopted Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) to build the temporary public market to accelerate its completion for commissioning. On the right is Architect of the ArchSD, Mr LO Yee-cheung, Adrian.
Senior Architect of the ArchSD, Mr TSANG Wai-lun (left), says that the department has adopted Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) to build the temporary public market to accelerate its completion for commissioning. On the right is Architect of the ArchSD, Mr LO Yee-cheung, Adrian.
Senior Architect of the ArchSD, Mr TSANG Wai-lun (left), says that the department has adopted Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) to build the temporary public market to accelerate its completion for commissioning. On the right is Architect of the ArchSD, Mr LO Yee-cheung, Adrian.