Raymond (fifth left) expresses his heartfelt thanks to all Town Planning Board (TPB) members, stressing that they are all very dedicated to their work and are absolutely no rubber stamp. Sixth left is Ms LINN Hon Ho, Bernadette, Chairman of the TPB, Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands).
Raymond (fifth left) expresses his heartfelt thanks to all Town Planning Board (TPB) members, stressing that they are all very dedicated to their work and are absolutely no rubber stamp. Sixth left is Ms LINN Hon Ho, Bernadette, Chairman of the TPB, Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands).
Raymond (fifth left) expresses his heartfelt thanks to all Town Planning Board (TPB) members, stressing that they are all very dedicated to their work and are absolutely no rubber stamp. Sixth left is Ms LINN Hon Ho, Bernadette, Chairman of the TPB, Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands).