The Secretary for Development, Mr WONG Wai-lun, Michael, delivers a welcome message at the Hong Kong 2020 International Urban Forestry Conference opening ceremony. Opened at the Tai Kwun on 16 January, the two-day conference has attracted more than 600 professionals and students.
The Secretary for Development, Mr WONG Wai-lun, Michael, delivers a welcome message at the Hong Kong 2020 International Urban Forestry Conference opening ceremony. Opened at the Tai Kwun on 16 January, the two-day conference has attracted more than 600 professionals and students.
The Secretary for Development, Mr WONG Wai-lun, Michael, delivers a welcome message at the Hong Kong 2020 International Urban Forestry Conference opening ceremony. Opened at the Tai Kwun on 16 January, the two-day conference has attracted more than 600 professionals and students.