
Date Subject
10/04/2024 LC: Speech by SDEV in moving Third Reading of Waterworks (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Chinese only)
10/04/2024 LC: Speech by SDEV on resumption of Second Reading debate on Waterworks (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Chinese only)
10/04/2024 LCQ12: Follow-up actions in respect of construction sites with frequent incidents
03/04/2024 Appointment of Town Planning Board members
28/03/2024 SDEV visits Luohu District and Pingshan District in Shenzhen to inspect development of local districts (with photos)
27/03/2024 LCQ15: Structural safety of school premises
26/03/2024 SDEV attends Mainland and Hong Kong Construction Forum 2024 in Guangzhou (with photos)
26/03/2024 SDEV expresses condolences over passing of Dr Eddy Li

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