
Date Subject
29/12/2016 SDEV speaks to media on quarterly land sale programme for January to March 2017
29/12/2016 SDEV's opening remarks on quarterly land sale programme for January to March 2017 (Chinese only)
14/12/2016 LCQ2: Issues relating to New Territories small house policy and small house concessionary rights
08/12/2016 SDEV's closing remarks at LegCo's motion debate on Updating the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines and increasing community facilities to enhance living environment (Chinese only)
08/12/2016 SDEV's opening remarks at LegCo's motion debate on Updating the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines and increasing community facilities to enhance living environment (Chinese only)
06/12/2016 SDEV's speech at BEAM Plus Neighbourhood Version 1.0 Assessment Tool Launch Ceremony (English only) (with photos)
02/12/2016 SDEV's speech at Construction Industry Council Graduation Ceremony 2016 (Chinese only)(with photo)
30/11/2016 LCQ6: Definition of "industrial use"
24/11/2016 Proposals invited for buildings under Batch V of historic building revitalisation scheme (with photo/video)
24/11/2016 SDEV's opening remarks at press conference on Batch V of Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme (Chinese only)
22/11/2016 SDEV's speech at Green Building Award 2016 cum Hong Kong Green Building Council 7th Anniversary Dinner (English only)
19/11/2016 SDEV speaks to the media
16/11/2016 LCQ5: Renewal of land leases expiring in 2047
16/11/2016 LCQ4: Interdepartmental task forces on land development led by the Chief Executive
16/11/2016 LCQ3: Planning and management of district facilities
12/11/2016 SDEV's speech at “HK 2030+: Towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030 Forum for Professional Institutions” (Chinese only)(with photo)
10/11/2016 SDEV speaks to the media
09/11/2016 LCQ3: Using industrial building units for arts, cultural, recreational and sports purposes
08/11/2016 SDEV's opening remarks at LegCo's Panel on Development meeting on Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area Planning and Engineering Study (Chinese only)
06/11/2016 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)

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Speeches and Presentations by Secretary for Development