
Date Subject
02/06/2024 All-out efforts for road subsidence repair at Hai Tan Street
31/05/2024 Government announces release of three community isolation facilities sites
29/05/2024 LCQ11: Water Safety Plan Subsidy Scheme
29/05/2024 LCQ7: Handling water seepage reports
29/05/2024 LC: Speech by SDEV on Second Reading of Construction Industry Security of Payment Bill (Chinese only)
29/05/2024 LCQ13: Coping with extreme weather
29/05/2024 LCQ1: Convention and exhibition venues in Kowloon East
28/05/2024 "Harmony of Rites and Music: Exploring the Qilu Culture through Shandong Relics" exhibition opens (with photos)
24/05/2024 Government concludes private housing land supply in 2023-24
22/05/2024 LCQ13: Maintenance of trees and flowers
22/05/2024 LCQ21: Costs of various projects of Northern Metropolis
21/05/2024 Government to step up enforcement and support for buildings not complying with fire safety directions
20/05/2024 Government further promotes adoption of Smart Site Safety System (with photos)
17/05/2024 DEVB's response to DEP's decision on EIA report on San Tin Technopole
16/05/2024 Construction Industry Security of Payment Bill to be introduced into LegCo
16/05/2024 Opening remarks by SDEV at joint press conference on government's enhanced strategies to cope with extreme weather (Chinese only)
16/05/2024 Transcript of remarks of joint press conference on Government's enhanced strategies to cope with extreme weather
10/05/2024 Development Bureau imposed regulating actions on contractor and subcontractor involved in fatal industrial incident at a construction site in Kai Tak
08/05/2024 LCQ1: Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area
08/05/2024 LCQ19: Developing Kowloon East

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Press Releases of Secretary for Development