
Date Subject
17/01/2019 SDEV's closing remarks at LegCo's motion on "Increasing housing supply in the short to medium term to rectify the problem of public housing shortage" (Chinese only)
17/01/2019 SDEV's opening remarks at LegCo's motion on "Increasing housing supply in the short to medium term to rectify the problem of public housing shortage" (Chinese only)
16/01/2019 LCQ16: Long-term development for sites of the quarries which have ceased or will cease operation shortly
09/01/2019 USDEV's closing remarks at LegCo's motion debate under Rule 49E(2) of Rules of Procedure (Chinese only)
09/01/2019 LCQ9: Handling of registration and disciplinary offences of engineers
09/01/2019 LCQ22: Handling of unauthorised signboards
07/01/2019 SDEV attends opening ceremony of Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival (with photos)
04/01/2019 Tender amounts submitted for site on Lantau Island
03/01/2019 Appointments to Urban Forestry Advisory Panel
03/01/2019 SDEV to visit Harbin

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Press Releases of Secretary for Development