
Date Subject
07/04/2016 SDEV's speaking notes on planning and lands policy areas tabled at LegCo Finance Committee special meeting
07/04/2016 SDEV's speaking notes on works policy areas tabled at LegCo Finance Committee special meeting
07/04/2016 SDEV's speaking notes on works policy areas tabled at LegCo Finance Committee special meeting (2)
01/04/2016 Government to sell site in Tai Po by public tender
31/03/2016 Information on private columbaria updated
30/03/2016 Harbourfront Commission conducts site visit for proposed boardwalk under Island Eastern Corridor (with photos)
24/03/2016 Lands Department responds to enquiries
24/03/2016 Appointment of Town Planning Board members
23/03/2016 Government announcement on land tenders
21/03/2016 Further enforcement actions against Tin Shui Wai soil fill
20/03/2016 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
18/03/2016 Land and Development Advisory Committee holds meeting
18/03/2016 Community engagement exercise for reassembly of Queen's Pier commences
16/03/2016 LCQ1: Measures to increase commercial floor space
16/03/2016 LCQ4: Impact of industrial building revitalisation measures on cultural, creative and arts workers
16/03/2016 LCQ22: Opening of the military dock site to the public
16/03/2016 LCQ18: Replacement and rehabilitation of aged water mains
15/03/2016 Tender awarded for site in Stanley
10/03/2016 Government to sell site in Kwai Chung by public tender
06/03/2016 Speech by SDEV at volunteer award presentation ceremony and 2016 Lunar New Year celebration of Direction Association for the Handicapped(Chinese only)(with photo)

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Press Releases of Secretary for Development