
Date Subject
02/12/2008 Non-in-situ land exchange for King Yin Lei approved
30/11/2008 Temporary suspension of fresh and flushing water to Tai Hang, So Kon Po and Happy Valley
27/11/2008 Response of Water Supplies Department on muddy water in Tung Chung housing estates (Chinese only)
26/11/2008 LCQ9: Vetting and approving applications for the construction of small houses
26/11/2008 LCQ1: Hopewell Centre II
25/11/2008 Immediate measures proposed to assist construction industry (with photo)
25/11/2008 December adjustment in auto LPG ceiling prices
25/11/2008 Secretary for Development's opening speech at Legislative Council Development Panel meeting (Chinese only)
25/11/2008 Temporary suspension of flushing water to Heng Fa Chuen, Chai Wan and Siu Sai Wan
23/11/2008 Immediate measures taken to enhance lift safety
21/11/2008 Government appoints new non-executive directors of Urban Renewal Authority
20/11/2008 Secretary for Development visits Eastern District
19/11/2008 LCQ17: Lift incidents
19/11/2008 LCQ9: Complaints about water seepage
19/11/2008 LCQ4: Lift safety
19/11/2008 LCQ5: Hopewell Centre II
19/11/2008 Secretary for Development's speech at the opening ceremony of MIPIM Asia 2008 (English only)
19/11/2008 Secretary for Development speaks about Hopewell Centre II
19/11/2008 Secretary for Development speaks about measures to reduce development density and Central-Wan Chai Bypass
17/11/2008 517 'Kone' lifts found to be safe

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Press Releases of Secretary for Development