With regard to relaxing the compulsory sale application thresholds, the Government considers that, in addition to building age, the redevelopment need of individual districts should also be factored in when determining the extent of relaxation. Lower thresholds should be adopted for older buildings in old districts with more pressing redevelopment need.
With regard to relaxing the compulsory sale application thresholds, the Government considers that, in addition to building age, the redevelopment need of individual districts should also be factored in when determining the extent of relaxation.  Lower thresholds should be adopted for older buildings in old districts with more pressing redevelopment need.
With regard to relaxing the compulsory sale application thresholds, the Government considers that, in addition to building age, the redevelopment need of individual districts should also be factored in when determining the extent of relaxation. Lower thresholds should be adopted for older buildings in old districts with more pressing redevelopment need.