Senior Engineer (Energy Efficiency) of the EMSD, Ms CHEUNG Man-chit, Jovian, says that the Renewable-energy Explorer (iSEE) can collect real-time weather data, which can give a more accurate estimation of potential power generation of the renewable energy system and the returns it can bring.
Senior Engineer (Energy Efficiency) of the EMSD, Ms CHEUNG Man-chit, Jovian, says that the Renewable-energy Explorer (iSEE) can collect real-time weather data, which can give a more accurate estimation of potential power generation of the renewable energy system and the returns it can bring.
Senior Engineer (Energy Efficiency) of the EMSD, Ms CHEUNG Man-chit, Jovian, says that the Renewable-energy Explorer (iSEE) can collect real-time weather data, which can give a more accurate estimation of potential power generation of the renewable energy system and the returns it can bring.