The Secretary for Development, Mr WONG Wai-lun, Michael, gives a speech to the industry at the “Seminar on New Streamlining Arrangements for Development Control”. He says that the Government will endeavor to continue streamlining the approval process for development projects without prejudicing the statutory procedures and technical requirements.
The Secretary for Development, Mr WONG Wai-lun, Michael, gives a speech to the industry at the “Seminar on New Streamlining Arrangements for Development Control”. He says that the Government will endeavor to continue streamlining the approval process for development projects without prejudicing the statutory procedures and technical requirements.
The Secretary for Development, Mr WONG Wai-lun, Michael, gives a speech to the industry at the “Seminar on New Streamlining Arrangements for Development Control”. He says that the Government will endeavor to continue streamlining the approval process for development projects without prejudicing the statutory procedures and technical requirements.