The Assistant Director/Electrical and Mechanical of the DSD, Mr CHUI Wai-sing (left), tells the USDEV, Mr LIU Chun-san (right), that through the new Shek Wu Hui Effluent Polishing Plant (SWHEPP), the DSD will deliver around 56 000 cubic metres of tertiary treated sewage effluent daily to the nearby water reclamation plant of the WSD for further polishing into reclaimed water.
The Assistant Director/Electrical and Mechanical of the DSD, Mr CHUI Wai-sing (left), tells the USDEV, Mr LIU Chun-san (right), that through the new Shek Wu Hui Effluent Polishing Plant (SWHEPP), the DSD will deliver around 56 000 cubic metres of tertiary treated sewage effluent daily to the nearby water reclamation plant of the WSD for further polishing into reclaimed water.
The Assistant Director/Electrical and Mechanical of the DSD, Mr CHUI Wai-sing (left), tells the USDEV, Mr LIU Chun-san (right), that through the new Shek Wu Hui Effluent Polishing Plant (SWHEPP), the DSD will deliver around 56 000 cubic metres of tertiary treated sewage effluent daily to the nearby water reclamation plant of the WSD for further polishing into reclaimed water.