
Date Subject
25/07/2013 SDEV speaks to media after attending LegCo Panel on Development meeting (Chinese only)
23/07/2013 SDEV speaks to the media at Tianjin (Chinese only)
22/07/2013 LandsD responds to media enquiries on compensation system for resumption of private land in New Territories
22/07/2013 SDEV speaks to media after attending LegCo Panel on Development special meeting
22/07/2013 SDEV speaks to media before attending LegCo Panel on Development meeting (Chinese only)
22/07/2013 Twelve Old and Valuable Trees added to Register
21/07/2013 SDEV to attend Cross Straits, Hong Kong and Macao Symposium on Reuse of Architectural Heritage in Tianjin
20/07/2013 Transcript of remarks by SDEV
19/07/2013 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
18/07/2013 Results of Planning and Engineering Study on Development of Lok Ma Chau Loop announced
17/07/2013 Closing remarks by SDEV on Motion under Rule 49E(2) of the Rules of ProcedureĀ at LegCo Panel on Development (Chinese only)
15/07/2013 Opening remarks by SDEV on North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study at LegCo Panel on Development (Chinese only)
15/07/2013 Roving exhibitions on revitalised historic buildings to be launched on July 19
15/07/2013 SDEV speaks to the media
12/07/2013 Lift and Escalator Safety Advisory Committee holds first meeting
12/07/2013 Revision of fees for services under Waterworks Ordinance
10/07/2013 Appointments to Lift and Escalator Safety Advisory Committee
10/07/2013 Tenders awarded for two residential sites
09/07/2013 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
08/07/2013 Government to sell two sites by public tender

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Press Releases of Secretary for Development