Proposed amendments to Buildings Ordinance on revised Minor Works Control System discussed

   The Land and Building Advisory Committee (LBAC) was briefed on the revised proposal on Minor Works Control System at its meeting today (May 5).

   "Members generally welcomed the spirit behind the revised proposal on minor works control system, which aims to provide a simplified and lawful channel for carrying out minor building works without the need to obtain approval of plans and consent from the Building Authority before commencement of works," Professor David Lung, the new Chairman of the Committee, said after the meeting.  

   "Members consider that the successful implementation of such a scheme depends on the support and recognition of the need of such a scheme by the community at large.  It is therefore important to work out practical measures under the scheme and to conduct sufficient publicity to property owners, relevant professionals, contractors and workers, as well as property management companies," Professor Lung added.  

   The Administration welcomes the views of Members and will take them on board where appropriate.  Meanwhile, details of the minor works control system are being worked out in consultation with professional institutes and trade associations concerned.  The Administration plans to take forward the revised proposal by a Buildings (Amendment) Bill to be introduced into the Legislative Council in the 2005-06 session.

Ends/Thursday, May 5, 2005

