Town Planning Bill aims at more open planning system



"A more open, accountable and effective planning system is envisaged when the Town Planning Bill comes into operation. The Bill strikes a right balance between increased public participation and transparency of the planning system on the one hand and enhancement of efficiency on the other," said Professor Yeung Yue-man, Chairman of the Land and Building Advisory Committee (LBAC) today (Thursday).


"The Bill is the outcome of prolonged discussions between the Administration and the public on the future direction of the existing planning system, and its early introduction into the Legislative Council and early implementation is fully supported," Professor Yeung said.


"As part of the measures to enhance the public participation and transparency of the planning system, the Bill proposes a new requirement for all planning studies to be published for public consultation before the relevant statutory plans are prepared. In addition, the Bill also proposes that the Town Planning Board publish applications for planning permission for selected uses for public comment."


"On the measures to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing planning system, the Bill imposes various statutory time limits to streamline the plan-making as well as planning application procedures," added Professor Yeung.


At its 54th meeting today, LBAC was briefed on the Town Planning Bill.


The existing Town Planning Ordinance was first enacted in 1939. In July 1996, the Government published for public consultation the proposals of a new planning legislation in the form of a White Bill. A total of 59 written submissions were received during the consultation period.


The Government, having critically considered the views expressed, has further consulted key stakeholders, including various professional institutes and Legislative Councillors.


The Government has now completed review of the Bill and aims to introduce the Bill into the Legislative Council in a few months' time.


End/Thursday, April 22, 1999

